
Nextflow supports a variety of container runtimes. Containerization allows you to write self-contained and truly reproducible computational pipelines, by packaging the binary dependencies of a script into a standard and portable format that can be executed on any platform that supports a container runtime. Furthermore, the same pipeline can be transparently executed with any of the supported container runtimes, depending on which runtimes are available in the target compute environment.


When creating a container image to use with Nextflow, make sure that Bash (3.x or later) and ps are installed in the image, along with other tools required for collecting metrics (See this section). Bash should be available on the path /bin/bash and it should be the container entrypoint.


New in version 22.11.0-edge.

Apptainer is an alternative container runtime to Docker and an open source fork of Singularity. The main advantages of Apptainer are that it can be used without root privileges and it doesn’t require a separate daemon process. These, along with other features such as support for autofs mounts, makes Apptainer better suited to the requirements of HPC workloads. Apptainer is able to use existing Docker images and can pull from Docker registries.


You will need Apptainer installed on your execution environment e.g. your computer or a distributed cluster, depending on where you want to run your pipeline.


Apptainer makes use of a container image file, which physically contains the container. Refer to the Apptainer documentation to learn how create Apptainer images.

Apptainer allows paths that do not currently exist within the container to be created and mounted dynamically by specifying them on the command line. However this feature is only supported on hosts that support the Overlay file system and is not enabled by default.


Nextflow expects that data paths are defined system wide, and your Apptainer images need to be created having the mount paths defined in the container file system.

If your Apptainer installation support the “user bind control” feature, enable the Nextflow support for that by defining the apptainer.autoMounts = true setting in the Nextflow configuration file.

How it works

The integration for Apptainer follows the same execution model implemented for Docker. You won’t need to modify your Nextflow script in order to run it with Apptainer. Simply specify the Apptainer image file from where the containers are started by using the -with-apptainer command line option. For example:

nextflow run <your script> -with-apptainer [apptainer image file]

Every time your script launches a process execution, Nextflow will run it into a Apptainer container created by using the specified image. In practice Nextflow will automatically wrap your processes and launch them by running the apptainer exec command with the image you have provided.


A Apptainer image can contain any tool or piece of software you may need to carry out a process execution. Moreover, the container is run in such a way that the process result files are created in the host file system, thus it behaves in a completely transparent manner without requiring extra steps or affecting the flow in your pipeline.

If you want to avoid entering the Apptainer image as a command line parameter, you can define it in the Nextflow configuration file. For example you can add the following lines in the nextflow.config file:

process.container = '/path/to/apptainer.img'
apptainer.enabled = true

In the above example replace /path/to/apptainer.img with any Apptainer image of your choice.

Read the Configuration page to learn more about the nextflow.config file and how to use it to configure your pipeline execution.


Unlike Docker, Nextflow does not automatically mount host paths in the container when using Apptainer. It expects that the paths are configure and mounted system wide by the Apptainer runtime. If your Apptainer installation allows user defined bind points, read the Apptainer configuration section to learn how to enable Nextflow auto mounts.


When a process input is a symbolic link file, make sure the linked file is stored in a host folder that is accessible from a bind path defined in your Apptainer installation. Otherwise the process execution will fail because the launched container won’t be able to access the linked file.

Changed in version 23.07.0-edge: Nextflow no longer mounts the home directory when launching an Apptainer container. To re-enable the old behavior, set the environment variable NXF_APPTAINER_HOME_MOUNT to true.

Multiple containers

It is possible to specify a different Apptainer image for each process definition in your pipeline script. For example, let’s suppose you have two processes named foo and bar. You can specify two different Apptainer images specifying them in the nextflow.config file as shown below:

process {
    withName:foo {
        container = 'image_name_1'
    withName:bar {
        container = 'image_name_2'
apptainer {
    enabled = true

Read the Process scope section to learn more about processes configuration.

Apptainer & Docker Hub

Nextflow is able to transparently pull remote container images stored in any Docker compatible registry.

By default when a container name is specified, Nextflow checks if an image file with that name exists in the local file system. If that image file exists, it’s used to execute the container. If a matching file does not exist, Nextflow automatically tries to pull an image with the specified name from the container registry.

If you want Nextflow to check only for local file images, prefix the container name with the file:// pseudo-protocol. For example:

process.container = 'file:///path/to/apptainer.img'
apptainer.enabled = true


Use three / slashes to specify an absolute file path, otherwise the path will be interpreted as relative to the workflow launch directory.

To pull images from Apptainer Hub or a third party Docker registry, simply prefix the image name with the shub://, docker:// or docker-daemon:// pseudo-protocol as required by Apptainer. For example:

process.container = 'docker://'
apptainer.enabled = true

You do not need to specify docker:// to pull from a Docker repository. Nextflow will automatically prepend it to your image name when Apptainer is enabled. Additionally, the Docker engine will not work with containers specified as docker://.


This feature requires the apptainer tool to be installed where the workflow execution is launched (as opposed to the compute nodes).

Nextflow caches those images in the apptainer directory in the pipeline work directory by default. However it is suggested to provide a centralised cache directory by using either the NXF_APPTAINER_CACHEDIR environment variable or the apptainer.cacheDir setting in the Nextflow config file.

New in version 21.09.0-edge: When looking for a Apptainer image file, Nextflow first checks the library directory, and if the image file is not found, the cache directory is used s usual. The library directory can be defined either using the NXF_APPTAINER_LIBRARYDIR environment variable or the apptainer.libraryDir configuration setting (the latter overrides the former).


When using a compute cluster, the Apptainer cache directory must reside in a shared filesystem accessible to all compute nodes.


When pulling Docker images, Apptainer may be unable to determine the container size if the image was stored using an old Docker format, resulting in a pipeline execution error. See the Apptainer documentation for details.

Advanced settings

Apptainer advanced configuration settings are described in apptainer section in the Nextflow configuration page.


New in version 20.12.0-edge.

Changed in version 21.03.0-edge: Requires Charliecloud 0.22 to 0.27.

Changed in version 22.09.0-edge: Requires Charliecloud 0.28 or later.


Experimental: not recommended for production environments.

Charliecloud is an alternative container runtime to Docker, that is better suited for use in HPC environments. Its main advantage is that it can be used without root privileges, making use of user namespaces in the Linux kernel. Charliecloud is able to pull from Docker registries.


You will need Charliecloud installed in your execution environment e.g. on your computer or a distributed cluster, depending on where you want to run your pipeline.

How it works

You won’t need to modify your Nextflow script in order to run it with Charliecloud. Simply specify the docker image from where the containers are started by using the -with-charliecloud command line option. For example:

nextflow run <your script> -with-charliecloud [container]

Every time your script launches a process execution, Nextflow will run it into a charliecloud container created by using the specified container image. In practice Nextflow will automatically wrap your processes and run them by executing the ch-run command with the container you have provided.


A container image can contain any tool or piece of software you may need to carry out a process execution. Moreover, the container is run in such a way that the process result files are created in the host file system, thus it behaves in a completely transparent manner without requiring extra steps or affecting the flow in your pipeline.

If you want to avoid entering the Container image as a command line parameter, you can define it in the Nextflow configuration file. For example you can add the following lines in the nextflow.config file:

process.container = '/path/to/container'
charliecloud.enabled = true


If an absolute path is provided, the container needs to be in the Charliecloud flat directory format. See the section below on compatibility with Docker registries.

Read the Configuration page to learn more about the nextflow.config file and how to use it to configure your pipeline execution.


Nextflow automatically manages the file system mounts whenever a container is launched depending on the process input files. However, when a process input is a symbolic link, the linked file must be stored in the same folder where the symlink is located, or a sub-folder of it. Otherwise the process execution will fail because the launched container won’t be able to access the linked file.

Charliecloud & Docker Hub

Nextflow is able to transparently pull remote container images stored in any Docker compatible registry and converts them to the Charliecloud compatible format.

By default when a container name is specified, Nextflow checks if a container with that name exists in the local file system. If it exists, it’s used to execute the container. If a matching file does not exist, Nextflow automatically tries to pull an image with the specified name from the Docker Hub.

To pull images from a third party Docker registry simply provide the URL to the image. If no URL is provided, Docker Hub is assumed. For example this can be used to pull an image from and convert it automatically to the Charliecloud container format:

process.container = ''
charliecloud.enabled = true

Whereas this would pull from Docker Hub:

process.container = 'nextflow/examples:latest'
charliecloud.enabled = true

Multiple containers

It is possible to specify a different Docker image for each process definition in your pipeline script. However, this can’t be done with -with-docker command line option, since it doesn’t support process selectors in the nextflow.config file, and doesn’t check for the container process directive in the pipeline script file. Let’s suppose you have two processes named foo and bar. You can specify two different Docker images for them in the Nextflow script as shown below:

process {
    withName:foo {
        container = 'image_name_1'
    withName:bar {
        container = 'image_name_2'

charliecloud {
    enabled = true

Read the Process scope section to learn more about processes configuration.

After running your pipeline, you can easily query the container image that each process used with the following command:

nextflow log last -f name,container

Advanced settings

Charliecloud advanced configuration settings are described in charliecloud section in the Nextflow configuration page.


Docker is the industry standard container runtime.


You will need Docker installed on your execution environment e.g. your computer or a distributed cluster, depending on where you want to run your pipeline.

If you are running Docker on Mac OSX make sure you are mounting your local /Users directory into the Docker VM as explained in this excellent tutorial: How to use Docker on OSX.

How it works

You won’t need to modify your Nextflow script in order to run it with Docker. Simply specify the Docker image from where the containers are started by using the -with-docker command line option. For example:

nextflow run <your script> -with-docker [docker image]

Every time your script launches a process execution, Nextflow will run it into a Docker container created by using the specified image. In practice Nextflow will automatically wrap your processes and run them by executing the docker run command with the image you have provided.


A Docker image can contain any tool or piece of software you may need to carry out a process execution. Moreover, the container is run in such a way that the process result files are created in the host file system, thus it behaves in a completely transparent manner without requiring extra steps or affecting the flow in your pipeline.

If you want to avoid entering the Docker image as a command line parameter, you can define it in the Nextflow configuration file. For example you can add the following lines in the nextflow.config file:

process.container = 'nextflow/examples:latest'
docker.enabled = true

In the above example replace nextflow/examples:latest with any Docker image of your choice.

Read the Configuration page to learn more about the nextflow.config file and how to use it to configure your pipeline execution.


Nextflow automatically manages the file system mounts whenever a container is launched depending on the process input files. However, when a process input is a symbolic link, the linked file must be stored in the same folder where the symlink is located, or a sub-folder of it. Otherwise the process execution will fail because the launched container won’t be able to access the linked file.

Multiple containers

It is possible to specify a different Docker image for each process definition in your pipeline script. Let’s suppose you have two processes named foo and bar. You can specify two different Docker images for them in the Nextflow script as shown below:

process foo {
  container 'image_name_1'

  do this

process bar {
  container 'image_name_2'

  do that

Alternatively, the same containers definitions can be provided by using the nextflow.config file as shown below:

process {
    withName:foo {
        container = 'image_name_1'
    withName:bar {
        container = 'image_name_2'

docker {
    enabled = true

Read the Process scope section to learn more about processes configuration.

Advanced settings

Docker advanced configuration settings are described in docker section in the Nextflow configuration page.


New in version 20.01.0.

Podman is a drop-in replacement for Docker that can run containers with or without root privileges.


You will need Podman installed on your execution environment e.g. your computer or a distributed cluster, depending on where you want to run your pipeline. Running in rootless mode requires appropriate OS configuration. Due to current Podman limits using cpuset for cpus and memory such is only possible using sudo.

How it works

You won’t need to modify your Nextflow script in order to run it with Podman. Simply specify the Podman image from where the containers are started by using the -with-podman command line option. For example:

nextflow run <your script> -with-podman [OCI container image]

Every time your script launches a process execution, Nextflow will run it into a Podman container created by using the specified image. In practice Nextflow will automatically wrap your processes and run them by executing the podman run command with the image you have provided.


An OCI container image can contain any tool or piece of software you may need to carry out a process execution. Moreover, the container is run in such a way that the process result files are created in the host file system, thus it behaves in a completely transparent manner without requiring extra steps or affecting the flow in your pipeline.

If you want to avoid entering the Podman image as a command line parameter, you can define it in the Nextflow configuration file. For example you can add the following lines in the nextflow.config file:

process.container = 'nextflow/examples:latest'
podman.enabled = true

In the above example replace nextflow/examples:latest with any Podman image of your choice.

Read the Configuration page to learn more about the nextflow.config file and how to use it to configure your pipeline execution.


Nextflow automatically manages the file system mounts whenever a container is launched depending on the process input files. However, when a process input is a symbolic link, the linked file must be stored in the same folder where the symlink is located, or a sub-folder of it. Otherwise the process execution will fail because the launched container won’t be able to access the linked file.

Multiple containers

It is possible to specify a different container image for each process definition in your pipeline script. Let’s suppose you have two processes named foo and bar. You can specify two different container images for them in the Nextflow script as shown below:

process foo {
  container 'image_name_1'

  do this

process bar {
  container 'image_name_2'

  do that

Alternatively, the same containers definitions can be provided by using the nextflow.config file as shown below:

process {
    withName:foo {
        container = 'image_name_1'
    withName:bar {
        container = 'image_name_2'

podman {
    enabled = true

Read the Process scope section to learn more about processes configuration.

Advanced settings

Podman advanced configuration settings are described in podman section in the Nextflow configuration page.


New in version 22.12.0-edge: Requires Sarus 1.5.1 or later.

Sarus is an alternative container runtime to Docker. Sarus works by converting Docker images to a common format that can then be distributed and launched on HPC systems. The user interface to Sarus enables a user to select an image from Docker Hub and then submit jobs which run entirely within the container.


You need Sarus installed in your execution environment, i.e. your personal computer or a distributed cluster, depending on where you want to run your pipeline.


Sarus converts a docker image to Squashfs layers which are distributed and launched in the cluster. For more information on how to build Sarus images see the official documentation.

How it works

The integration for Sarus, at this time, requires you to set up the following parameters in your config file:

process.container = "dockerhub_user/image_name:image_tag"
sarus.enabled = true

and it will always try to search the Docker Hub registry for the images.


if you do not specify an image tag, the latest tag will be fetched by default.

Multiple containers

It is possible to specify a different Sarus image for each process definition in your pipeline script. For example, let’s suppose you have two processes named foo and bar. You can specify two different Sarus images specifying them in the nextflow.config file as shown below:

process {
    withName:foo {
        container = 'image_name_1'
    withName:bar {
        container = 'image_name_2'

sarus {
    enabled = true

Read the Process scope section to learn more about processes configuration.


New in version 19.10.0: Requires Shifter 18.03 or later.

Shifter is an alternative container runtime to Docker. Shifter works by converting Docker images to a common format that can then be distributed and launched on HPC systems. The user interface to Shifter enables a user to select an image from Docker Hub and then submit jobs which run entirely within the container.


You need Shifter and Shifter image gateway installed in your execution environment, i.e: your personal computer or the entry node of a distributed cluster. In the case of a distributed cluster, you should have Shifter installed on all of the compute nodes and the shifterimg command should also be available and Shifter properly setup to access the Image gateway, for more information see the official documentation.


Shifter converts a Docker image to squashfs layers which are distributed and launched in the cluster. For more information on how to build Shifter images see the official documentation.

How it works

The integration for Shifter requires you to set up the following parameters in your config file:

process.container = "dockerhub_user/image_name:image_tag"
shifter.enabled = true

Shifter will search the Docker Hub registry for the images. If you do not specify an image tag, the latest tag will be fetched by default.

Multiple containers

It is possible to specify a different Shifter image for each process definition in your pipeline script. For example, let’s suppose you have two processes named foo and bar. You can specify two different Shifter images specifying them in the nextflow.config file as shown below:

process {
    withName:foo {
        container = 'image_name_1'
    withName:bar {
        container = 'image_name_2'

shifter {
    enabled = true

Read the Process scope section to learn more about processes configuration.


Singularity is an alternative container runtime to Docker. The main advantages of Singularity are that it can be used without root privileges and it doesn’t require a separate daemon process. These, along with other features such as support for autofs mounts, makes Singularity better suited to the requirements of HPC workloads. Singularity is able to use existing Docker images and can pull from Docker registries.


You will need Singularity installed on your execution environment e.g. your computer or a distributed cluster, depending on where you want to run your pipeline.


Singularity makes use of a container image file, which physically contains the container. Refer to the Singularity documentation to learn how create Singularity images.

Singularity allows paths that do not currently exist within the container to be created and mounted dynamically by specifying them on the command line. However this feature is only supported on hosts that support the Overlay file system and is not enabled by default.


Nextflow expects that data paths are defined system wide, and your Singularity images need to be created having the mount paths defined in the container file system.

If your Singularity installation support the “user bind control” feature, enable the Nextflow support for that by defining the singularity.autoMounts = true setting in the Nextflow configuration file.

How it works

The integration for Singularity follows the same execution model implemented for Docker. You won’t need to modify your Nextflow script in order to run it with Singularity. Simply specify the Singularity image file from where the containers are started by using the -with-singularity command line option. For example:

nextflow run <your script> -with-singularity [singularity image file]

Every time your script launches a process execution, Nextflow will run it into a Singularity container created by using the specified image. In practice Nextflow will automatically wrap your processes and launch them by running the singularity exec command with the image you have provided.


A Singularity image can contain any tool or piece of software you may need to carry out a process execution. Moreover, the container is run in such a way that the process result files are created in the host file system, thus it behaves in a completely transparent manner without requiring extra steps or affecting the flow in your pipeline.

If you want to avoid entering the Singularity image as a command line parameter, you can define it in the Nextflow configuration file. For example you can add the following lines in the nextflow.config file:

process.container = '/path/to/singularity.img'
singularity.enabled = true

In the above example replace /path/to/singularity.img with any Singularity image of your choice.

Read the Configuration page to learn more about the nextflow.config file and how to use it to configure your pipeline execution.


Unlike Docker, Nextflow does not automatically mount host paths in the container when using Singularity. It expects that the paths are configure and mounted system wide by the Singularity runtime. If your Singularity installation allows user defined bind points, read the Singularity configuration section to learn how to enable Nextflow auto mounts.


When a process input is a symbolic link file, make sure the linked file is stored in a host folder that is accessible from a bind path defined in your Singularity installation. Otherwise the process execution will fail because the launched container won’t be able to access the linked file.

Changed in version 23.07.0-edge: Nextflow no longer mounts the home directory when launching a Singularity container. To re-enable the old behavior, set the environment variable NXF_SINGULARITY_HOME_MOUNT to true.

Changed in version 23.09.0-edge: Nextflow automatically mounts the required host paths in the container. To re-enable the old behavior, set the environment variable NXF_SINGULARITY_AUTO_MOUNTS to false or set singularity.autoMounts=false in the Nextflow configuration file.

Changed in version 23.09.0-edge: The execution command for Singularity/Apptainer containers can be set to run by means of the environment variable NXF_SINGULARITY_RUN_COMMAND (default command is exec).

Multiple containers

It is possible to specify a different Singularity image for each process definition in your pipeline script. For example, let’s suppose you have two processes named foo and bar. You can specify two different Singularity images specifying them in the nextflow.config file as shown below:

process {
    withName:foo {
        container = 'image_name_1'
    withName:bar {
        container = 'image_name_2'

singularity {
    enabled = true

Read the Process scope section to learn more about processes configuration.

Singularity & Docker Hub

Requires Singularity 2.3 or later

Nextflow is able to transparently pull remote container images stored in the Singularity-Hub, Singularity Library, or any Docker compatible registry.

By default when a container name is specified, Nextflow checks if an image file with that name exists in the local file system. If that image file exists, it’s used to execute the container. If a matching file does not exist, Nextflow automatically tries to pull an image with the specified name from the Docker Hub.

If you want Nextflow to check only for local file images, prefix the container name with the file:// pseudo-protocol. For example:

process.container = 'file:///path/to/singularity.img'
singularity.enabled = true


Use three / slashes to specify an absolute file path, otherwise the path will be interpreted as relative to the workflow launch directory.

To pull images from the Singularity Hub or a third party Docker registry simply prefix the image name with the shub://, docker:// or docker-daemon:// pseudo-protocol as required by the Singularity tool. For example:

process.container = 'docker://'
singularity.enabled = true

You do not need to specify docker:// to pull from a Docker repository. Nextflow will automatically prepend it to your image name when Singularity is enabled. Additionally, the Docker engine will not work with containers specified as docker://.

New in version 19.04.0: Requires Singularity 3.0.3 or later.

Nextflow supports the Singularity Library repository:

process.container = 'library://library/default/alpine:3.8'

The library:// pseudo-protocol allows you to import Singularity images from a local Docker installation instead of downloading them from a Docker registry. This feature requires the singularity tool to be installed where the workflow execution is launched (as opposed to the compute nodes).

Nextflow caches the images in ${NXF_WORK}/singularity by default. However, it is recommended to define a centralised cache directory using either the NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR environment variable or the singularity.cacheDir setting in the Nextflow config file.

New in version 21.09.0-edge: When looking for a Singularity image file, Nextflow first checks the library directory, and if the image file is not found, the cache directory is used as usual. The library directory can be defined either using the NXF_SINGULARITY_LIBRARYDIR environment variable or the singularity.libraryDir configuration setting (the latter overrides the former).


When using a compute cluster, the Singularity cache directory must reside in a shared filesystem accessible to all compute nodes.


When pulling Docker images, Singularity may be unable to determine the container size if the image was stored using an old Docker format, resulting in a pipeline execution error. See the Singularity documentation for details.

Advanced settings

Singularity advanced configuration settings are described in singularity section in the Nextflow configuration page.