Your first script
This guide details fundamental skills to run a basic Nextflow pipeline. It includes:
Running a pipeline
Modifying and resuming a pipeline
Configuring a pipeline parameter
You will need the following to get started:
Nextflow: See Installation for installation instructions.
Run a pipeline
You will run a basic Nextflow pipeline that splits a string of text into two files and then converts lowercase letters to uppercase letters. You can see the pipeline here:
// Default parameter input
params.str = "Hello world!"
// splitString process
process splitString {
publishDir "results/lower"
val x
path 'chunk_*'
printf '${x}' | split -b 6 - chunk_
// convertToUpper process
process convertToUpper {
publishDir "results/upper"
tag "$y"
path y
path 'upper_*'
cat $y | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' > upper_${y}
// Workflow block
workflow {
ch_str = Channel.of(params.str) // Create a channel using parameter input
ch_chunks = splitString(ch_str) // Split string into chunks and create a named channel
convertToUpper(ch_chunks.flatten()) // Convert lowercase letters to uppercase letters
This script defines two processes:
: takes a string input, splits it into 6-character chunks, and writes the chunks to files with the prefixchunk_
: takes files as input, transforms their contents to uppercase letters, and writes the uppercase strings to files with the prefixupper_
The splitString
output is emitted as a single element. The flatten
operator splits this combined element so that each file is treated as a sole element.
The outputs from both processes are published in subdirectories, that is, lower
and upper
, in the results
To run your pipeline:
Create a new file named
in your current directoryCopy and save the above pipeline to your new file
Run your pipeline using the following command:
nextflow run
You will see output similar to the following:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 24.10.3
Launching `` [big_wegener] DSL2 - revision: 13a41a8946
executor > local (3)
[82/457482] splitString (1) | 1 of 1 ✔
[2f/056a98] convertToUpper (chunk_aa) | 2 of 2 ✔
Nextflow creates a work
directory to store files used during a pipeline run. Each execution of a process is run as a separate task. The splitString
process is run as one task and the convertToUpper
process is run as two tasks. The hexadecimal string, for example, 82/457482
, is the beginning of a unique hash. It is a prefix used to identify the task directory where the script was executed.
Run your pipeline with -ansi-log false
to see each task printed on a separate line:
nextflow run -ansi-log false
You will see output similar to the following:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 24.10.3
Launching `` [peaceful_watson] DSL2 - revision: 13a41a8946
[43/f1f8b5] Submitted process > splitString (1)
[a2/5aa4b1] Submitted process > convertToUpper (chunk_ab)
[30/ba7de0] Submitted process > convertToUpper (chunk_aa)
Modify and resume
Nextflow tracks task executions in a task cache, a key-value store of previously executed tasks. The task cache is used in conjunction with the work directory to recover cached tasks. If you modify and resume your pipeline, only the processes that are changed will be re-executed. The cached results will be used for tasks that don’t change.
You can enable resumability using the -resume
flag when running a pipeline. To modify and resume your pipeline:
Replace the
process with the following:process convertToUpper { publishDir "results/upper" tag "$y" input: path y output: path 'upper_*' script: """ rev $y > upper_${y} """ }
Save your changes
Run your updated pipeline using the following command:
nextflow run -resume
You will see output similar to the following:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 24.10.3
Launching `` [furious_curie] DSL2 - revision: 5490f13c43
executor > local (2)
[82/457482] splitString (1) | 1 of 1, cached: 1 ✔
[02/9db40b] convertToUpper (chunk_aa) | 2 of 2 ✔
Nextflow skips the execution of the splitString
process and retrieves the results from the cache. The convertToUpper
process is executed twice.
See Caching and resuming for more information about Nextflow cache and resume functionality.
Pipeline parameters
Parameters are used to control the inputs to a pipeline. They are declared by prepending a variable name to the prefix params
, separated by dot character. Parameters can be specified on the command line by prefixing the parameter name with a double dash character, for example, --paramName
. Parameters specified on the command line override parameters specified in a main script.
You can configure the str
parameter in your pipeline. To modify your str
Run your pipeline using the following command:
nextflow run --str 'Bonjour le monde'
You will see output similar to the following:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 24.10.3
Launching `` [distracted_kalam] DSL2 - revision: 082867d4d6
executor > local (4)
[55/a3a700] process > splitString (1) [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
[f4/af5ddd] process > convertToUpper (chunk_ac) [100%] 3 of 3 ✔
The input string is now longer and the splitString
process splits it into three chunks. The convertToUpper
process is run three times.
See Pipeline parameters for more information about modifying pipeline parameters.
Next steps
Your first script is a brief introduction to running pipelines, modifying and resuming pipelines, and pipeline parameters. See for further Nextflow training modules.