Standard library
This page describes the built-in constants, functions, and types provided by Nextflow.
The following constants are globally available in a Nextflow script for workflow introspection:
baseDir: Path
Deprecated since version 20.04.0.
Alias of
.launchDir: Path
Alias of
.moduleDir: Path
The directory where a module script is located (equivalent to
if used in the main script).nextflow
Map of Nextflow runtime information. The following properties are available:
build: int
Nextflow runtime build number.
timestamp: String
Nextflow runtime compile timestamp.
version: VersionNumber
Nextflow runtime version number. See VersionNumber for more information.
Map of workflow parameters specified in the config file or as command line options.
projectDir: Path
Alias of
.secrets: Map<String,String>
New in version 24.02.0-edge.
Map of pipeline secrets. See Secrets for more information.
workDir: Path
Alias of
Map of workflow runtime information. The following properties are available:
commandLine: String
Command line as entered by the user to launch the workflow execution.
commitId: String
Git commit ID of the executed workflow repository.
When providing a Git tag, branch name, or commit hash using the
CLI option, the associatedworkflow.commitId
is also populated.complete: OffsetDateTime
Available only in the
handlerTimestamp of workflow when execution is completed.
configFiles: List<Path>
Configuration files used for the workflow execution.
container: String | Map<String,String>
Docker image used to run workflow tasks, or a map of process names to process containers when multiple images are used.
containerEngine: String
Returns the name of the container engine (e.g. docker or singularity) or null if no container engine is enabled.
duration: Duration
Available only in the
handlerTime elapsed to complete workflow execution.
errorMessage: String
Available only in the
handlersError message of the task that caused the workflow execution to fail.
errorReport: String
Available only in the
handlersDetailed error of the task that caused the workflow execution to fail.
exitStatus: int
Available only in the
handlersExit status of the task that caused the workflow execution to fail.
failOnIgnore: boolean
New in version 24.05.0-edge.
Whether the
config option was enabled.See also: errorStrategy
Map of Fusion runtime information. The following properties are available:
enabled: boolean
Whether Fusion is enabled.
version: String
The Fusion version being used.
homeDir: Path
User system home directory.
launchDir: Path
Directory where the workflow was launched.
Map of properties corresponding to the manifest config scope.
onComplete( action: Closure )
Define an action to take when the workflow completes (whether successful or not).
onError( action: Closure )
Define an action to take if the workflow is terminated due to a runtime error or task failure.
outputDir: Path
New in version 24.10.0.
Workflow output directory.
preview: boolean
New in version 24.04.0.
Whether the current workflow run is a preview run.
profile: String
Comma-separated list of active configuration profiles.
projectDir: Path
Directory where the workflow project is located.
repository: String
Project repository Git remote URL.
resume: boolean
whenever the current instance is resumed from a previous execution.revision: String
Git branch/tag of the executed workflow repository.
When providing a Git tag or branch name using the
CLI option, theworkflow.revision
is also populated.runName: String
Mnemonic name assigned to this execution instance.
scriptFile: Path
Project main script file path.
scriptId: String
Project main script unique hash ID.
scriptName: String
Project main script file name.
sessionId: UUID
Unique identifier (UUID) associated to current execution.
start: OffsetDateTime
Timestamp of workflow at execution start.
stubRun: boolean
whenever the current instance is a stub-run execution .success: boolean
Available only in the
handlersReports if the execution completed successfully.
userName: String
User system account name.
Map of Wave runtime information. The following properties are available:
enabled: boolean
Whether Wave is enabled.
workDir: Path
The directory where task temporary files are stored.
The following functions are available in Nextflow scripts:
branchCriteria( criteria: Closure ) -> Closure
Create a branch criteria to use with the branch operator.
env( name: String ) -> String
New in version 24.11.0-edge.
Get the value of the environment variable with the specified name in the Nextflow launch environment.
error( message: String = null )
Throw a script runtime error with an optional error message.
exit( exitCode: int = 0, message: String = null )
Deprecated since version 22.06.0-edge: Use
insteadStop the pipeline execution and return an exit code and optional error message.
file( filePattern: String, [options] ) -> Path | List<Path>
Get a file from a file name or glob pattern. Returns a collection of files if the glob pattern yields zero or multiple files.
The following options are available:
checkIfExists: boolean
, throws an exception if the specified path does not exist in the file system (default:false
)followLinks: boolean
, follows symbolic links when traversing a directory tree, otherwise treats them as files (default:true
)glob: boolean
, interprets characters*
as glob wildcards, otherwise handles them as normal characters (default:true
)hidden: boolean
, includes hidden files in the resulting paths (default:false
)maxDepth: int
Maximum number of directory levels to visit (default: no limit)
type: String
Type of paths returned, can be
See also: Channel.fromPath.
files( filePattern: String, [options] ) -> List<Path>
Get a collection of files from a file name or glob pattern. Supports the same options as
.groupKey( key, size: int ) -> GroupKey
Create a grouping key to use with the groupTuple operator.
multiMapCriteria( criteria: Closure ) -> Closure
Create a multi-map criteria to use with the multiMap operator.
sendMail( [options] )
Send an email. See Notifications for more information.
sleep( milliseconds: long )
Sleep for the given number of milliseconds.
tuple( collection: List ) -> ArrayTuple
Create a tuple object from the given collection.
tuple( args... ) -> ArrayTuple
Create a tuple object from the given arguments.
Groovy and Java classes
Any Groovy or Java class can be used in a Nextflow script. The following classes are imported by default:
All other classes must be referenced by their fully-qualified name:
def vals = [1, 2, 3]
println groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson(vals)
The following sections describe the standard types provided by Nextflow.
A bag is an unordered collection.
The following operations are supported for bags:
+ : (Bag<E>, Bag<E>) -> Bag<E>
Concatenates two bags.
in, !in : (E, Bag<E>) -> boolean
Given a value and a bag, returns
if the bag contains the value (or not).
Bags inherit all methods from the Iterable trait.
See Channels for an overview of channels. See Channel factories and Operators for the available functions for creating and manipulating channels.
A Duration represents a duration of time with millisecond precision.
A Duration can be created by adding a unit suffix to an integer (e.g. 1.h
), or more explicitly with Duration.of()
// integer with suffix
oneDay = 24.h
// integer value (milliseconds)
oneSecond = Duration.of(1000)
// simple string value
oneHour = Duration.of('1h')
// complex string value
complexDuration = Duration.of('1day 6hours 3minutes 30seconds')
The following suffixes are available:
Unit |
Description |
Milliseconds |
Seconds |
Minutes |
Hours |
Days |
Durations can be compared like numbers, and they support basic arithmetic operations:
a = 1.h
b = 2.h
assert a < b
assert a + a == b
assert b - a == a
assert a * 2 == b
assert b / 2 == a
The following methods are available for a Duration:
toDays() -> long
Get the duration value in days (rounded down).
toHours() -> long
Get the duration value in hours (rounded down).
toMillis() -> long
Get the duration value in milliseconds.
toMinutes() -> long
Get the duration value in minutes (rounded down).
toSeconds() -> long
Get the duration value in seconds (rounded down).
These methods are also available as getDays()
, getHours()
, getMillis()
, getMinutes()
, and getSeconds()
An iterable is a trait shared by collections that support iteration. The following types are iterables:
Values of these types can be passed to any parameter of type Iterable
, and they can use all of the methods described below.
The following methods are available for iterables:
any( condition: (E) -> boolean ) -> boolean
if any element in the iterable satisfies the given condition.collect( transform: (E) -> R ) -> Iterable<R>
Returns a new iterable with each element transformed by the given closure.
collectMany( transform: (E) -> Iterable<R> ) -> Iterable<R>
Transforms each element in the iterable into a collection with the given closure and concatenates the resulting collections into a list.
contains( value: E ) -> boolean
if the iterable contains the given value.each( action: (E) -> () )
Invoke the given closure for each element in the iterable.
every( condition: (E) -> boolean ) -> boolean
if every element in the iterable satisfies the given condition.findAll( condition: (E) -> boolean ) -> Iterable<E>
Returns the elements in the iterable that satisfy the given condition.
groupBy( transform: (E) -> K ) -> Map<K,Iterable<E>>
Collect the elements of an iterable into groups based on a matching key. The closure should return the key for a given element.
inject( accumulator: (E,E) -> E ) -> E
Apply the given accumulator to each element in the iterable and return the final accumulated value. The closure should accept two parameters, corresponding to the current accumulated value and the current iterable element, and return the next accumulated value.
The first element from the iterable is used as the initial accumulated value.
inject( initialValue: R, accumulator: (R,E) -> R ) -> R
Apply the given accumulator to each element in the iterable and return the final accumulated value. The closure should accept two parameters, corresponding to the current accumulated value and the current iterable element, and return the next accumulated value.
isEmpty() -> boolean
if the iterable is empty.join( separator: String = '' ) -> String
Concatenates the string representation of each element in the iterable, with the given string as the separator between each element.
max() -> E
Returns the maximum element in the iterable.
max( comparator: (E) -> R ) -> E
max( comparator: (E,E) -> int ) -> E
Returns the maximum element in the iterable according to the given closure.
The closure should follow the same semantics as the closure parameter of
.min() -> E
Returns the maximum element in the iterable.
min( comparator: (E) -> R ) -> E
min( comparator: (E,E) -> int ) -> E
Returns the maximum element in the iterable according to the given closure.
The closure should follow the same semantics as the closure parameter of
.size() -> int
Returns the number of elements in the iterable.
sum() -> E
Returns the sum of the elements in the iterable. The elements should support addition (
).sum( transform: (E) -> R ) -> R
Transforms each element in the iterable with the given closure and returns the sum. The values returned by the closure should support addition (
).toList() -> List<E>
Converts the iterable to a list.
Converting an unordered collection to a list can lead to non-deterministic behavior. Consider using
instead to ensure a deterministic ordering. See Non-deterministic process inputs for more information.toSet() -> Set<E>
Converts the iterable to a set. Duplicate elements are excluded.
toSorted() -> List<E>
Returns a sorted list of the iterable’s elements.
toSorted( comparator: (E) -> R ) -> List<E>
Returns the iterable as a list sorted according to the given closure.
The closure should accept one parameter and transform each element into the value that will be used for comparisons.
toSorted( comparator: (E,E) -> int ) -> List<E>
Returns the iterable as a list sorted according to the given closure.
The closure should accept two parameters and return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer to denote whether the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
toUnique() -> Iterable<E>
Returns a shallow copy of the iterable with duplicate elements excluded.
toUnique( comparator: (E) -> R ) -> Iterable<E>
toUnique( comparator: (E,E) -> int ) -> Iterable<E>
Returns a shallow copy of the iterable with duplicate elements excluded.
The closure should follow the same semantics as the closure parameter of
A list is an ordered collection of elements. See Lists for an overview of lists.
The following operations are supported for lists:
+ : (List<E>, List<E>) -> List<E>
Concatenates two lists.
* : (List<E>, int) -> List<E>
Given a list and an integer n, repeats the list n times.
[] : (List<E>, int) -> E
Given a list and an index, returns the element at the given index in the list, or
if the index is out of, !in : (E, List<E>) -> boolean
Given a value and a list, returns
if the list contains the value (or not).
The following methods are available for a list:
collate( size: int, keepRemainder: boolean = true ) -> List<List<E>>
Collates the list into a list of sub-lists of length
. IfkeepRemainder
, any remaining elements are included as a partial sub-list, otherwise they are excluded.For example:
assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].collate(3) == [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7]] assert [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7].collate(3, false) == [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
collate( size: int, step: int, keepRemainder: boolean = true ) -> List<List<E>>
Collates the list into a list of sub-lists of length
, stepping through the liststep
elements for each sub-list. IfkeepRemainder
, any remaining elements are included as a partial sub-list, otherwise they are excluded.For example:
assert [1, 2, 3, 4].collate(3, 1) == [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4], [4]] assert [1, 2, 3, 4].collate(3, 1, false) == [[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]]
find( condition: (E) -> boolean ) -> E
Returns the first element in the list that satisfies the given condition.
first() -> E
Returns the first element in the list. Raises an error if the list is empty.
getIndices() -> List<Integer>
Returns the list of integers from 0 to n - 1, where n is the number of elements in the list.
head() -> E
Equivalent to
.indexOf( value: E ) -> int
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the given value in the list, or -1 if the list does not contain the value.
init() -> List<E>
Returns a shallow copy of the list with the last element excluded.
last() -> E
Returns the last element in the list. Raises an error if the list is empty.
reverse() -> List<E>
Returns a shallow copy of the list with the elements reversed.
subList( fromIndex: int, toIndex: int ) -> List<E>
Returns the portion of the list between the given
(inclusive) andtoIndex
(exclusive).tail() -> List<E>
Returns a shallow copy of the list with the first element excluded.
take( n: int ) -> List<E>
Returns the first n elements of the list.
takeWhile( condition: (E) -> boolean ) -> List<E>
Returns the longest prefix of the list where each element satisfies the given condition.
withIndex() -> List<(E,Integer)>
Returns a list of 2-tuples corresponding to the value and index of each element in the list.
Lists inherit all methods from the Iterable trait.
A map associates or “maps” keys to values. Each key can map to at most one value – a map cannot contain duplicate keys. See Maps for an overview of maps.
The following operations are supported for maps:
+ : (Map<K,V>, Map<K,V>) -> Map<K,V>
Concatenates two maps. If a key exists in both maps, the mapping from the right-hand side is used.
[] : (Map<K,V>, K) -> V
Given a map and a key, returns the value for the given key in the map, or
if the key is not in the, !in : (K, Map<K,V>) -> boolean
Given a key and a map, returns
if the map contains the key (or not).
The following methods are available for a map:
any( condition: (K,V) -> boolean ) -> boolean
if any key-value pair in the map satisfies the given condition. The closure should accept two parameters corresponding to the key and value of an entry.containsKey( key: K ) -> boolean
if the map contains a mapping for the given key.containsValue( value: V ) -> boolean
if the map maps one or more keys to the given value.each( action: (K,V) -> () )
Invoke the given closure for each key-value pair in the map. The closure should accept two parameters corresponding to the key and value of an entry.
entrySet() -> Set<(K,V)>
Returns a set of the key-value pairs in the map.
every( condition: (K,V) -> boolean ) -> boolean
if every key-value pair in the map satisfies the given condition. The closure should accept two parameters corresponding to the key and value of an entry.isEmpty() -> boolean
if the map is empty.keySet() -> Set<K>
Returns a set of the keys in the map.
size() -> int
Returns the number of key-value pairs in the map.
subMap( keys: Iterable<K> ) -> Map<K,V>
Returns a sub-map containing the given keys.
values() -> Bag<V>
Returns a collection of the values in the map.
A MemoryUnit represents a quantity of bytes.
A MemoryUnit can be created by adding a unit suffix to an integer (e.g. 1.GB
), or more explicitly with MemoryUnit.of()
// integer with suffix
oneMegabyte = 1.MB
// integer value (bytes)
oneKilobyte = MemoryUnit.of(1024)
// string value
oneGigabyte = MemoryUnit.of('1 GB')
The following suffixes are available:
Unit |
Description |
Bytes |
Kilobytes |
Megabytes |
Gigabytes |
Terabytes |
Petabytes |
Exabytes |
Zettabytes |
Technically speaking, a kilobyte is equal to 1000 bytes, whereas 1024 bytes is called a “kibibyte” and abbreviated as “KiB”, and so on for the other units. In practice, however, kilobyte is commonly understood to mean 1024 bytes, and Nextflow follows this convention in its implementation as well as this documentation.
Memory units can be compared like numbers, and they support basic arithmetic operations:
a = 1.GB
b = 2.GB
assert a < b
assert a + a == b
assert b - a == a
assert a * 2 == b
assert b / 2 == a
The following methods are available for a MemoryUnit
toBytes() -> long
Get the memory value in bytes (B).
toGiga() -> long
Get the memory value in gigabytes (rounded down), where 1 GB = 1024 MB.
toKilo() -> long
Get the memory value in kilobytes (rounded down), where 1 KB = 1024 B.
toMega() -> long
Get the memory value in megabytes (rounded down), where 1 MB = 1024 KB.
toUnit( unit: String ) -> long
Get the memory value in terms of a given unit (rounded down). The unit can be one of:
These methods are also available as getBytes()
, getGiga()
, getKilo()
, and getMega()
A Path is a handle for hierarchichal paths such as local files and directories, HTTP/FTP URLs, and object storage paths (e.g. Amazon S3).
The file()
function can be used to get a Path for a given filename or URL:
def hello = file('hello.txt')
println hello.text
The files()
function can be used to get a collection of Paths from a glob pattern:
def inputs = files('*.txt')
inputs.each { input ->
println "${}: ${input.text}"
The following sections describe the methods that are available for paths.
Paths in Nextflow are backed by the Java and Groovy standard libraries, which may expose additional methods. Only methods which are recommended for use in Nextflow are documented here.
The following operations are supported for paths:
/ : (Path, String) -> Path
Resolve a relative file name against a directory path.
<< : (Path, String)
Appends text to a file without replacing existing content. Equivalent to
Getting attributes
The following methods are useful for getting attributes of a file:
exists() -> boolean
if the file exists.getBaseName() -> String
Gets the file name without its extension, e.g.
.getExtension() -> String
Gets the file extension, e.g.
.getName() -> String
Gets the file name, e.g.
.getSimpleName() -> String
Gets the file name without any extension, e.g.
.getParent() -> Path
Gets the file parent path, e.g.
.getScheme() -> String
Gets the file URI scheme, e.g.
.isDirectory() -> boolean
if the file is a directory.isEmpty() -> boolean
if the file is empty or does not exist.isFile() -> boolean
if it is a regular file (i.e. not a directory).isHidden() -> boolean
if the file is hidden.isLink() -> boolean
if the file is a symbolic link.lastModified() -> long
Returns the file last modified timestamp in Unix time (i.e. milliseconds since January 1, 1970).
size() -> long
Gets the file size in bytes.
toUriString() -> String
Gets the file path along with the protocol scheme:
def ref = file('s3://some-bucket/foo.txt') assert ref.toString() == '/some-bucket/foo.txt' assert "$ref" == '/some-bucket/foo.txt' assert ref.toUriString() == 's3://some-bucket/foo.txt'
The following methods are available for reading files:
eachByte( action: (byte) -> () )
Iterates over the file, applying the specified closure to each byte.
eachLine( action: (String) -> () )
Iterates over the file, applying the specified closure to each line.
getBytes() -> byte[]
Returns the file content as a byte array.
getText() -> String
Returns the file content as a string.
newInputStream() -> InputStream
Returns an InputStream object to read a binary file.
newReader() -> Reader
Returns a Reader object to read a text file.
readLines() -> List<String>
Reads the file line by line and returns the content as a list of strings.
withInputStream( action: (InputStream) -> () )
Opens a file for reading and lets you access it with an InputStream object.
withReader( action: (Reader) -> () )
Opens a file for reading and lets you access it with a Reader object.
The following methods are available for writing to files:
append( text: String )
Appends text to a file without replacing existing content.
newOutputStream() -> OutputStream
Creates an OutputStream object that allows you to write binary data to a file.
newPrintWriter() -> PrintWriter
Creates a PrintWriter object that allows you to write formatted text to a file.
newWriter() -> Writer
Creates a Writer object that allows you to save text data to a file.
setBytes( bytes: byte[] )
Writes a byte array to a file. Equivalent to setting the
property.setText( text: String )
Writes text to a file. Equivalent to setting the
property.withOutputStream( action: (OutputStream) -> () )
Applies the specified closure to an OutputStream object, closing it when finished.
withPrintWriter( action: (PrintWriter) -> () )
Applies the specified closure to a PrintWriter object, closing it when finished.
withWriter( action: (Writer) -> () )
Applies the specified closure to a Writer object, closing it when finished.
write( text: String )
Writes a string to a file, replacing any existing content.
Filesystem operations
The following methods are available for manipulating files and directories in a filesystem:
copyTo( target: Path )
Copies a source file or directory to a target file or directory.
When copying a file to another file: if the target file already exists, it will be replaced.
When copying a file to a directory: the file will be copied into the directory, replacing any file with the same name.
When copying a directory to another directory: if the target directory already exists, the source directory will be copied into the target directory, replacing any sub-directory with the same name. If the target path does not exist, it will be created automatically.
The result of the above example depends on the existence of the target directory. If the target directory exists, the source is moved into the target directory, resulting in the path
. If the target directory does not exist, the source is just renamed to the target name, resulting in the path/any/dir_b
function follows the semantics of the Linux commandcp -r <source> <target>
, with the following caveat: while Linux tools often treat paths ending with a slash (e.g./some/path/name/
) as directories, and those not (e.g./some/path/name
) as regular files, Nextflow (due to its use of the Java files API) views both of these paths as the same file system object. If the path exists, it is handled according to its actual type (i.e. as a regular file or as a directory). If the path does not exist, it is treated as a regular file, with any missing parent directories created automatically.delete() -> boolean
Deletes the file or directory at the given path, returning
if the operation succeeds, andfalse
otherwise:myFile = file('some/file.txt') result = myFile.delete() println result ? "OK" : "Cannot delete: $myFile"
If a directory is not empty, it will not be deleted and
will returnfalse
.deleteDir() -> boolean
Deletes a directory and all of its contents.
getPermissions() -> String
Returns a file’s permissions using the symbolic notation, e.g.
.list() -> List<String>
Returns the first-level elements (files and directories) of a directory as a list of strings.
listFiles() -> List<Path>
Returns the first-level elements (files and directories) of a directory as a list of Paths.
mkdir() -> boolean
Creates a directory at the given path, returning
if the directory is created successfully, andfalse
otherwise:myDir = file('any/path') result = myDir.mkdir() println result ? "OK" : "Cannot create directory: $myDir"
If the parent directories do not exist, the directory will not be created and
will returnfalse
.mkdirs() -> boolean
Creates a directory at the given path, including any nonexistent parent directories:
mklink( linkName: String, [options] ) -> Path
Creates a filesystem link to a given path:
myFile = file('/some/path/file.txt') myFile.mklink('/user/name/link-to-file.txt')
Returns the Path of the link to create.
Available options:
hard: boolean
, creates a hard link, otherwise creates a soft (aka symbolic) link (default:false
).overwrite: boolean
, overwrites any existing file with the same name, otherwise throws a FileAlreadyExistsException (default:false
moveTo( target: Path )
Moves a source file or directory to a target file or directory. Follows the same semantics as
.renameTo( target: String ) -> boolean
Rename a file or directory:
setPermissions( permissions: String ) -> boolean
Sets a file’s permissions using the symbolic notation:
setPermissions( owner: int, group: int, other: int ) -> boolean
Sets a file’s permissions using the numeric notation, i.e. as three digits representing the owner, group, and other permissions:
The following methods are available for listing and traversing directories:
eachDir( action: (Path) -> () )
Iterates through first-level directories only.
eachDirMatch( nameFilter: String, action: (Path) -> () )
Iterates through directories whose names match the given filter.
eachDirRecurse( action: (Path) -> () )
Iterates through directories depth-first (regular files are ignored).
eachFile( action: (Path) -> () )
Iterates through first-level files and directories.
eachFileMatch( nameFilter: String, action: (Path) -> () )
Iterates through files and directories whose names match the given filter.
eachFileRecurse( action: (Path) -> () )
Iterates through files and directories depth-first.
Splitting files
The following methods are available for splitting and counting the records in files:
countFasta() -> long
Counts the number of records in a FASTA file. See the splitFasta operator for available options.
countFastq() -> long
Counts the number of records in a FASTQ file. See the splitFastq operator for available options.
countJson() -> long
Counts the number of records in a JSON file. See the splitJson operator for available options.
countLines() -> long
Counts the number of lines in a text file. See the splitText operator for available options.
splitCsv() -> List<?>
Splits a CSV file into a list of records. See the splitCsv operator for available options.
splitFasta() -> List<?>
Splits a FASTA file into a list of records. See the splitFasta operator for available options.
splitFastq() -> List<?>
Splits a FASTQ file into a list of records. See the splitFastq operator for available options.
splitJson() -> List<?>
Splits a JSON file into a list of records. See the splitJson operator for available options.
splitText() -> List<String>
Splits a text file into a list of lines. See the splitText operator for available options.
A set is an unordered collection that cannot contain duplicate elements.
As set literal can be created from a list:
[1, 2, 2, 3].toSet()
// -> [1, 2, 3]
The following operations are supported for sets:
+ : (Set<E>, Iterable<E>) -> Set<E>
Given a set and an iterable, returns a new set containing the elements of both collections.
- : (Set<E>, Iterable<E>) -> Set<E>
Given a set and an iterable, returns a shallow copy of the set minus the elements of the iterable.
in, !in : (E, Set<E>) -> boolean
Given a value and a set, returns
if the set contains the value (or not).
The following methods are available for a set:
intersect( right: Iterable<E> ) -> Set<E>
Returns the intersection of the set and the given iterable.
Sets inherit all methods from the Iterable trait.
A string is an immutable sequence of characters. See Strings for an overview of strings.
The following operations are supported for strings:
+ : (String, String) -> String
Concatenates two strings.
* : (String, int) -> String
Given a string and an integer n, repeats the string n times.
[] : (String, int) -> char
Given a string and an index, returns the character at the given index in the string.
in, !in : (String, String) -> boolean
Given a substring and a string, returns
if the substring occurs anywhere in the string (or not).~ : (String) -> Pattern
Creates a regular expression from a string.
See Pattern in the Java standard library for more information.
=~ : (String, String) -> Matcher
Given a string and a pattern, creates a matcher that is truthy if the pattern occurs anywhere in the string.
See Matcher in the Java standard library for more information.
==~ : (String, String) -> boolean
Given a string and a pattern, returns
if the string matches the pattern exactly.
The following methods are available for a string:
endsWith( suffix: String ) -> boolean
if the string ends with the given suffix.execute() -> Process
Execute the string as a command. Returns a Process which provides the exit status and standard input/output/error of the executed command.
indexOf( str: String ) -> int
Returns the index within the string of the first occurrence of the given substring. Returns -1 if the string does not contain the substring.
indexOf( str: String, fromIndex: int ) -> int
Returns the index within the string of the first occurrence of the given substring, starting the search at the given index. Returns -1 if the string does not contain the substring.
isBlank() -> boolean
if the string is empty or contains only whitespace characters.isEmpty() -> boolean
if the string is empty (i.e.length()
is 0).isFloat() -> boolean
if the string can be parsed as a floating-point number.isInteger() -> boolean
if the string can be parsed as an integer.lastIndexOf( str: String ) -> int
Returns the index within the string of the last occurrence of the given substring. Returns -1 if the string does not contain the substring.
lastIndexOf( str: String, fromIndex: int ) -> int
Returns the index within the string of the last occurrence of the given substring, searching backwards starting at the given index. Returns -1 if the string does not contain the substring.
length() -> int
Returns the length of the string.
md5() -> String
Returns the MD5 checksum of the string.
replace( target: String, replacement: String ) -> String
Returns a new string in which each occurrence of the target string is replaced with the given replacement string.
replaceAll( regex: String, replacement: String ) -> String
Returns a new string in which each occurrence of the given regular expression is replaced with the given replacement string.
replaceFirst( regex: String, replacement: String ) -> String
Returns a new string in which the first occurrence of the given regular expression is replaced with the given replacement string.
sha256() -> String
Returns the SHA-256 checksum of the string.
startsWith( prefix: String ) -> boolean
if the string ends with the given prefix.strip() -> String
Returns a copy of the string with all leading and trailing whitespace removed.
stripIndent() -> String
Returns a copy of the string with leading spaces on each line removed.
The number of spaces to remove is determined by the line with the least number of leading spaces, excluding lines with only whitespace.
stripLeading() -> String
Returns a copy of the string with all leading whitespace removed.
stripTrailing() -> String
Returns a copy of the string with all trailing whitespace removed.
substring( beginIndex: int ) -> String
Returns a substring of this string.
substring( beginIndex: int, endIndex: int ) -> String
Returns a substring of this string.
toBoolean() -> Boolean
if the trimmed string is “true”, “y”, or “1” (ignoring case).toFloat() -> Float
Parses the string into a floating-point number.
toInteger() -> Integer
Parses the string into an integer.
toLowerCase() -> String
Returns a copy of this string with all characters converted to lower case.
toUpperCase() -> String
Returns a copy of this string with all characters converted to upper case.
tokenize( delimiters: String ) -> List<String>
Splits the string into a list of substrings using the given delimiters. Each character in the delimiter string is treated as a separate delimiter.
A VersionNumber represents a semantic or calendar version number.
The following methods are available for a VersionNumber:
getMajor() -> String
Get the major version number, i.e. the first version component.
getMinor() -> String
Get the minor version number, i.e. the second version component.
getPatch() -> String
Get the patch version number, i.e. the third version component.
matches( condition: String ) -> boolean
Check whether the version satisfies a version requirement.
The version requirement string can be prefixed with the usual comparison operators:
: equal to<
): less than (or equal to)>
): greater than (or equal to)!=
: not equal
For example:
if( !nextflow.version.matches('>=23.10') ) { error "This workflow requires Nextflow version 23.10 or greater -- You are running version $nextflow.version" }
Alternatively, the version can be postfixed with
, which is similar to==
but also allows the last version part to be greater. For example,23.10.1+
is satisfied by23.10.1
, but not23.11.x
. Additionally,23.10.+
is equivalent to23.10.0+
. This operator is a useful way to enforce a specific version while allowing for newer patch releases.