Episode 29 Nextflow 2023 - 2024

We recap some of the biggest features to be added to Nextflow in 2023 and take a look at some of the things coming in 2024.

  • Technical discussion
  • 23 January 2024

Join us in this episode of the Channels podcast as Geraldine Van der Auwera and Phil Ewels recap of some of the biggest features to be added to Nextflow in 2023 and take a look at some of the things coming in 2024.

Last time we were on a podcast together (Episode 27), we talked a lot about what’s been happening in the nf-core community, mostly, so in this episode we talk about how Nextflow itself has been evolving. We go over some highlights from 2023 and then talk a bit about what’s coming next.

  • 2023
    • Fusion support on Azure Batch, Google Batch, SLURM, LSF
    • Spack integration
    • Markdown docs, developer docs
      • Mentioned in Episode 14
      • Didn't mention in the recording, but there are new docs aimed at people wanting to develop Nextflow code too 🎉
    • New nextflow inspect command
    • Channel "topics"
    • AWS Fargate for compute tasks
      • Phil got this wrong in the recording. The head-node-only support in Seqera Platform did come in 2023 (see blog post), but AWS Fargate support for compute jobs did manage to sneak in to the 23.12.0 edge realease, just before Christmas.
      • See Nextflow docs
  • 2024
    • Job arrays (PR #3892)
    • Garbage collection (aka work directory cleanup) (Issue #452 and PR #3849)
    • Command line interface v2 (PR #3600
    • Nextflow packaging (Issue #2951)
    • Workflow inputs and outputs schema (Issue #4669)
    • Module configuration / config v2 (Issue #2723)
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Episode coming soon..

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