Nextflow is a workflow language that runs on the Java virtual machine (JVM). Nextflow’s syntax is very similar to Groovy, a scripting language for the JVM. However, Nextflow is specialized for writing computational pipelines in a declarative manner. See Syntax for a full description of the Nextflow language.
Nextflow scripts can also make full use of the Java and Groovy standard libraries. See Standard library for more information.
Nextflow uses UTF-8 as the default character encoding for source files. Make sure to use UTF-8 encoding when editing Nextflow scripts with your preferred text editor.
Nextflow scripts have a maximum size of 64 KiB. To avoid this limit for large pipelines, consider moving pipeline components into separate files and including them as modules.
Hello world
You can use the println
function to print to the console:
println 'Hello, World!'
Variables are declared using the def
def num = 1
println num
def date = new java.util.Date()
println date
def x = -3.1499392
println x
def flag = false
println flag
def str = "Hi"
println str
Variables can also be declared without def
in some cases. However, this practice is discouraged outside of simple code snippets because it can lead to a race condition.
Lists are defined using square brackets:
def myList = [1776, -1, 33, 99, 0, 928734928763]
You can access a given item in the list with square-bracket notation (indexes start at 0):
println myList[0]
In order to get the length of the list use the size
println myList.size()
See List<E> for the set of available list operations.
Maps are used to store associative arrays (also known as dictionaries). They are unordered collections of heterogeneous, named data:
def scores = ["Brett": 100, "Pete": "Did not finish", "Andrew": 86.87934]
Note that each of the values stored in the map can be of a different type. Brett
is an integer, Pete
is a string, and Andrew
is a floating-point number.
We can access the values in a map in two main ways:
println scores["Pete"]
println scores.Pete
To add data to or modify a map, the syntax is similar to adding values to list:
scores["Pete"] = 3
scores["Cedric"] = 120
You can also use the +
operator to add two maps together:
def new_scores = scores + ["Pete": 3, "Cedric": 120]
When adding two maps, the first map is copied and then appended with the keys from the second map. Any conflicting keys are overwritten by the second map.
Copying a map with the +
operator is a safer way to modify maps in Nextflow, specifically when passing maps through channels. This way, a new instance of the map will be created, and any references to the original map won’t be affected.
See Map<K,V> for the set of available map operations.
Operators are symbols that perform specific functions on one or more values, and generally make code easier to read. This section highlights some of the most commonly used operators.
Operators in this context are different from channel operators, which are specialized functions for working with channels. See Channels for more information.
The ==
and !=
operators can be used to test whether any two values are equal (or not equal):
assert 2 + 2 == 4
assert [2, 2] != [4]
assert 'two plus two' != 'four'
The assert
keyword simply tests a condition and raises an error if the condition is false. Every assert that you see on this page will succeed if executed.
Comparison operators can be used to compare two values:
assert 3 < 3.14 // numbers are compared as, well, numbers
assert 3 <= 3
assert 'foo' > 'bar' // strings are compared alphabetically
Logical operators can be used to perform Boolean logic:
assert true && false == false // logical AND
assert true || false == true // logical OR
assert !true == false // logical NOT
The in
and !in
operators can be used to test membership, i.e. whether a collection contains a value:
assert 'lo wo' in 'Hello world!'
assert 2 in [1, 2, 3]
Arithmetic operators can be used to do math:
assert 2 + 2 == 4
assert 2 - 2 == 0
assert 2 * 2 == 4
assert 2 / 2 == 1.0
assert 2 ** 2 == 4 // exponent
assert 2 % 2 == 0 // modulo (division remainder)
Some arithmetic operators can be used with other types of values. For example, +
can be used to concatenate lists, maps, and strings:
assert [1, 2, 3] + [4] == [1, 2, 3, 4]
Conditional execution
One of the most important features of any programming language is the ability to execute different code under different conditions. This can be done with an if-else statement:
def x = Math.random()
if( x < 0.5 ) {
println 'You lost.'
else {
println 'You won!'
In some cases, conditional statements can be expressed more concisely as a conditional expression (also known as a ternary expression):
def message = Math.random() < 0.5
? 'You lost.'
: 'You won!'
println message
A shortened version of the conditional expression can be used to return a value if it is “truthy”, or fallback to a second value otherwise:
def counts = ['A': 1, 'B', 2]
assert counts['C'] ?: 0 == 0 // x is "truthy" if !!x == true
The ?:
operator is also known as the elvis operator.
Strings can be defined by enclosing text in single or double quotes ('
or "
println "he said 'cheese' once"
println 'he said "cheese!" again'
Strings can be concatenated with +
def a = "world"
print "hello " + a + "\n"
String interpolation
There is an important difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings: Double-quoted strings support variable interpolations, while single-quoted strings do not.
In practice, double-quoted strings can contain the value of an arbitrary variable by prefixing its name with the $
character, or the value of any expression by using the ${expression}
syntax, similar to Bash/shell scripts:
def foxtype = 'quick'
def foxcolor = ['b', 'r', 'o', 'w', 'n']
println "The $foxtype ${foxcolor.join()} fox"
def x = 'Hello'
println '$x + $y'
This code prints:
The quick brown fox
$x + $y
Multi-line strings
A block of text that span multiple lines can be defined by delimiting it with triple single or double quotes:
def text = """
hello there James
how are you today?
Like before, multi-line strings inside double quotes support variable interpolation, while single-quoted multi-line strings do not.
As in Bash/shell scripts, terminating a line in a multi-line string with a \
character prevents a newline character from separating that line from the one that follows:
def myLongCmdline = """
blastp \
-in $input_query \
-out $output_file \
-db $blast_database \
def result = myLongCmdline.execute().text
In the preceding example, blastp
and its -in
, -out
, -db
and -html
switches and their arguments are effectively a single line.
Do not put any spaces after the backslash when using backslashes to continue a multi-line command. Spaces after the backslash will be interpreted as an escaped space and will make your script incorrect. It will also print this warning:
unknown recognition error type: groovyjarjarantlr4.v4.runtime.LexerNoViableAltException
Regular expressions
Regular expressions are the Swiss Army knife of text processing. They provide the ability to match and extract patterns from strings.
Use =~
to check whether a given pattern occurs anywhere in a string:
assert 'foo' =~ /foo/
assert 'foobar' =~ /foo/
Use ==~
to check whether a string matches a given regular expression pattern exactly.
assert 'foo' ==~ /foo/
assert !('foobar' ==~ /foo/)
String replacement
To replace pattern occurrences in a given string, use the replaceFirst
and replaceAll
def x = "colour".replaceFirst(/ou/, "o")
println x
// prints: color
def y = "cheesecheese".replaceAll(/cheese/, "nice")
println y
// prints: nicenice
To remove part of a string, simply replace it with a blank string:
def z = 'Hello World!'.replaceFirst(/(?i)\s+Wo\w+/, '')
println z
// prints: Hello!
Capturing groups
You can match a pattern that includes groups. First create a matcher object with the =~
operator. Then, you can index the matcher object to find the matches: matcher[0]
returns a list representing the first match of the regular expression in the string. The first list element is the string that matches the entire regular expression, and the remaining elements are the strings that match each group.
Here’s how it works:
def programVersion = '2.7.3-beta'
def m = programVersion =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)-?(.+)/
assert m[0] == ['2.7.3-beta', '2', '7', '3', 'beta']
assert m[0][1] == '2'
assert m[0][2] == '7'
assert m[0][3] == '3'
assert m[0][4] == 'beta'
Applying some syntactic sugar, you can do the same in just one line of code:
def programVersion = '2.7.3-beta'
def (full, major, minor, patch, flavor) = (programVersion =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)-?(.+)/)[0]
println full // 2.7.3-beta
println major // 2
println minor // 7
println patch // 3
println flavor // beta
A closure is a function that can be used like a regular value. Typically, closures are passed as arguments to higher-order functions to express computations in a declarative manner.
For example:
def square = { v -> v * v }
The above example defines a closure, which takes one parameter named v
and returns the “square” of v
(v * v
). The closure is assigned to the variable square
can now be called like a function:
println square(9)
The above example prints 81
The main use case for a closure is as an argument to a higher-order function:
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].collect(square)
The collect
method of a list applies a mapping function to each value in the list and produces a new list. The above example produces:
[ 1, 4, 9, 16 ]
The example can be expressed more concisely as:
[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ].collect { v -> v * v }
Another example is the each
method of a map, which takes a closure with two arguments corresponding to the key and value of each map entry:
[ "Yue" : "Wu", "Mark" : "Williams", "Sudha" : "Kumari" ].each { key, value ->
println "$key = $value"
Yue = Wu
Mark = Williams
Sudha = Kumari
Closures can access variables outside of their scope:
def counts = ["China": 1, "India": 2, "USA": 3]
def result = 0
counts.keySet().each { v ->
result += counts[v]
println result
A closure can also declare local variables that exist only for the lifetime of each closure invocation:
def result = 0
myMap.keySet().each { v ->
def count = myMap[v]
result += count
While the each
method is a convenient way to iterate through a collection and build up some result, a more idiomatic way to do this is to use the inject
def result = counts.values().inject { sum, v -> sum + v }
This way, the closure is fully “self-contained” because it doesn’t access or mutate any variables outside of its scope.
When a closure takes a single parameter, the parameter can be omitted, in which case the implicit it
parameter will be used:
[1, 2, 3].each { println it }
Script definitions
So far, we have been focusing on the basic building blocks of Nextflow code, like variables, lists, strings, and closures.
In practice, however, Nextflow scripts are composed of workflows, processes, and functions (collectively known as definitions), and can include definitions from other scripts.
To transition a code snippet into a proper workflow script, simply wrap it in a workflow
workflow {
println 'Hello!'
This block is called the entry workflow. It serves as the entrypoint when the script is executed. A script can only have one entry workflow. Whenever a script contains only simple statements like println 'Hello!'
, Nextflow simply treats it as an entry workflow.
You can also break up code into functions, for example:
def sayHello() {
println 'Hello!'
def add(a, b) {
a + b
workflow {
println "2 + 2 = ${add(2, 2)}!"
See Workflows, Processes, and Modules for more information about how to use these features in your Nextflow scripts.