
This page provides a comprehensive description of the Nextflow language.


A line comment starts with // and includes the rest of the line.

println 'Hello world!' // line comment

A block comment starts with /* and includes all subsequent characters up to the first */.

 * block comment
println 'Hello again!'

Top-level declarations

A Nextflow script may contain the following top-level declarations:

  • Shebang

  • Feature flags

  • Includes

  • Parameter definitions

  • Workflow definitions

  • Process definitions

  • Function definitions

  • Enum types

  • Output block

Script declarations are in turn composed of statements and expressions.

If there are no top-level declarations, a script may contain one or more statements, in which case the entire script is treated as an entry workflow. For example:

println 'Hello world!'

Is equivalent to:

workflow {
    println 'Hello world!'


Statements and top-level declarations can not be mixed at the same level. If your script has top-level declarations, all statements must be contained within top-level declarations such as the entry workflow.


The first line of a script can be a shebang:

#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

Feature flag

A feature flag declaration is an assignment. The target should be a valid feature flag and the source should be a literal (i.e. number, string, boolean):

nextflow.preview.topic = true


An include declaration consists of an include source and one or more include clauses:

include { foo as bar } from './some/module'

The include source should be a string literal and should refer to either a local path (e.g. ./ or a plugin (e.g. plugin/nf-hello). Each include clause should specify a name, and may also specify an alias. In the above example, foo is included under the alias bar.

Include clauses can be separated by semi-colons or newlines:

// semi-colons
include { foo ; bar as baz } from './some/module'

// newlines
include {
    bar as baz
} from './some/module'

Include clauses can also be specified as separate includes:

include { foo } from './some/module'
include { bar as baz } from './some/module'

The following definitions can be included:

  • Functions

  • Processes

  • Named workflows


A parameter declaration is an assignment. The target should be a pipeline parameter and the source should be an expression:

params.message = 'Hello world!'

Parameters supplied via command line options, params files, and config files take precedence over parameter definitions in a script.


A workflow can be a named workflow or an entry workflow.

A named workflow consists of a name and a body, and may consist of a take, main, emit, and publish section:

workflow greet {

    messages = { v -> "$v world!" }

  • The take, emit, and publish sections are optional. The main: section label can be omitted if they are not specified.

  • The take section consists of one or more parameters.

  • The main section consists of one or more statements.

  • The emit section consists of one or more emit statements. An emit statement can be a variable name, an assignment, or an expression statement. If an emit statement is an expression statement, it must be the only emit.

  • The publish section can be specified but is intended to be used in the entry workflow (see below).

An entry workflow has no name and may consist of a main and publish section:

workflow {
    greetings = Channel.of('Bonjour', 'Ciao', 'Hello', 'Hola')
    messages = { v -> "$v world!" }
    greetings.view { it -> '$it world!' }

    messages >> 'messages'
  • Only one entry workflow may be defined in a script.

  • The main: section label can be omitted if the publish section is not specified.

  • The publish section consists of one or more publish statements. A publish statement is a right-shift expression, where the left-hand side is an expression that refers to a value in the workflow body, and the right-hand side is an expression that returns a string.

In order for a script to be executable, it must either define an entry workflow or use the implicit workflow syntax described above.

Entry workflow definitions are ignored when a script is included as a module. This way, the same script can be included as a module or executed as a pipeline.


A process consists of a name and a body. The process body consists of one or more statements. A minimal process definition must return a string:

process sayHello {
    echo 'Hello world!'

A process may define additional sections for directives, inputs, outputs, script, shell, exec, and stub:

process greet {
    // directives
    errorStrategy 'retry'
    tag { "${greeting}/${name}" }

    val greeting
    val name


    script: // or shell: or exec:
    echo '${greeting}, ${name}!'

    # do nothing
  • A process must define a script, shell, or exec section (see below). All other sections are optional. Directives do not have an explicit section label, but must be defined first.

  • The script: section label can be omitted only when there are no other sections in the body.

  • Sections must be defined in the order shown above, with the exception of the output section, which can also be specified after the script and stub.

Each section may contain one or more statements. For directives, inputs, and outputs, these statements must be function calls. See Process reference for the set of available input qualifiers, output qualifiers, and directives.

The script section can be substituted with a shell or exec section:

process greetShell {
    val greeting

    echo '!{greeting}, ${USER}!'

process greetExec {
    val greeting
    val name

    message = "${greeting}, ${name}!"

    val message

The script, shell, and stub sections must return a string in the same manner as a function.

See Processes for more information on the semantics of each process section.


A function consists of a name, parameter list, and a body:

def greet(greeting, name) {
    println "${greeting}, ${name}!"

The function body consists of one or more statements. The last statement is implicitly treated as a return statement if it is an expression statement that returns a value.

The return statement can be used to explicitly return from a function:

// return with no value
def greet(greeting, name) {
    if( !greeting || !name )
    println "${greeting}, ${name}!"

// return a value
def fib(x) {
    if( x <= 1 )
        return x
    fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)

Enum type

An enum type declaration consists of a name and a body. The body consists of a comma-separated list of identifiers:

enum Day {

Enum values in the above example can be accessed as Day.MONDAY, Day.TUESDAY, and so on.


Enum types cannot be included across modules at this time.

Output block

The output block consists of one or more target blocks. A target block consists of a target name and one or more target directives for configuring the corresponding publish target:

output {
    'fastq' {
        path 'samples'
        index {
            path 'index.csv'

Only one output block may be defined in a script. See Publishing outputs for the set of available target directives.


Statements can be separated by either a newline or a semi-colon:

// newline
println 'Hello!'
println 'Hello again!'

// semi-colon
println 'Hello!' ; println 'Hello again!'

Variable declaration

Variables can be declared with the def keyword:

def x = 42

Multiple variables can be declared in a single statement if the initializer is a list literal with the same number of elements and declared variables:

def (x, y) = [ 1, 2 ]

Each variable has a scope, which is the region of code in which the variable can be used.

Variables declared in a function, as well as the parameters of that function, exist for the duration of that function call. The same applies to closures.

Workflow inputs exist for the entire workflow body. Variables declared in the main section exist for the main, emit, and publish sections. Named outputs are not considered variable declarations and therefore do not have any scope.

Process input variables exist for the entire process body. Variables declared in the process script, shell, exec, and stub sections exist only in their respective section, with one exception – variables declared without the def keyword also exist in the output section.

Variables declared in an if or else branch exist only within that branch:

if( true )
    def x = 'foo'
println x           // error: `x` is undefined

// solution: declare `x` outside of if branch
def x
if( true )
    x = 'foo'
println x

A variable cannot be declared with the same name as another variable in the same scope or an enclosing scope:

def clash(x) {
    def x           // error: `x` is already declared
    if( true )
        def x       // error: `x` is already declared


An assignment statement consists of a target expression and a source expression separated by an equals sign:

v = 42
list[0] = 'first'
map.key = 'value'

The target expression must be a variable, index, or property expression. The source expression can be any expression.

Multiple variables can be assigned in a single statement as long as the source expression is a list literal with the same number of elements and assigned variables:

(x, y) = [ 1, 2 ]

Expression statement

Any expression can be a statement.

In general, the only expressions that can have any effect as expression statements are function calls that have side effects (e.g. println) or an implicit return statement in a function or closure.


An assert statement consists of the assert keyword followed by a boolean expression, with an optional error message separated by a colon:

assert 2 + 2 == 4 : 'The math broke!'

If the condition is false, an error will be raised with the given error message.


An if/else statement consists of an if branch and an optional else branch. Each branch consists of a boolean expression in parentheses, followed by either a single statement or a block statement (one or more statements in curly braces). For example:

def x = Math.random()
if( x < 0.5 ) {
    println 'You lost.'
else {
    println 'You won!'

If the condition is true, the if branch will be executed, otherwise the else branch will be executed.

If/else statements can be chained any number of times by making the else branch another if/else statement:

def grade = 89
if( grade >= 90 )
    println 'You get an A!'
else if( grade >= 80 )
    println 'You get a B!'
else if( grade >= 70 )
    println 'You get a C!'
else if( grade >= 60 )
    println 'You get a D!'
    println 'You failed.'

A more verbose way to write the same code is:

def grade = 89
if( grade >= 90 ) {
    println 'You get an A!'
else {
    if( grade >= 80 ) {
        println 'You get a B!'
    else {
        if( grade >= 70 ) {
            println 'You get a C!'
        else {
            if( grade >= 60 ) {
                println 'You get a D!'
            else {
                println 'You failed.'


A return statement consists of the return keyword with an optional expression:

def add(a, b) {
    return a + b

def sayHello(name) {
    if( !name )
    println "Hello, ${name}!"

Return statements can only be used in functions and closures. In the case of a nested closure, the return statement will return from the nearest enclosing closure.

If a function or closure has multiple return statements (including implicit returns), all of the return statements should either return a value or return nothing. If a function or closure does return a value, it should do so for every conditional branch.

def isEven1(n) {
    if( n % 2 == 1 )
        return          // error: return value is required here
    return true

def isEven2(n) {
    if( n % 2 == 0 )
        return true
                        // error: return value is required here


If the last statement is not a return or expression statement (implicit return), it is equivalent to appending an empty return.


A throw statement consists of the throw keyword followed by an expression that returns an error type:

throw new Exception('something failed!')


In general, the appropriate way to raise an error is to use the error function:

error 'something failed!'


A try/catch statement consists of a try block followed by any number of catch clauses:

def text = null
try {
    text = file('foo.txt').text
catch( IOException e ) {
    log.warn "Could not load foo.txt"

The try block will be executed, and if an error is raised and matches the expected error type of a catch clause, the code in that catch clause will be executed. If no catch clause is matched, the error will be raised to the next enclosing try/catch statement, or to the Nextflow runtime.


An expression represents a value. A literal value is an expression whose value is known at compile-time, such as a number, string, or boolean. All other expressions must be evaluated at run-time.

Every expression has a type, which may be resolved at compile-time or run-time.


A variable expression is a reference to a variable or other named value:

def x = 42

// -> 42


A number literal can be an integer or floating-point number, and can be positive or negative. Integers can specified in binary with 0b, octal with 0, or hexadecimal with 0x. Floating-point numbers can use scientific notation with the e or E prefix. Underscores can be used as thousands separators to make long numbers more readable.

// integer
0b1001  // -> 9
031     // -> 25
0xabcd  // -> 43981

// real
1.59e7  // -> 15_900_000
1.59e-7 // -> 0.000000159


A boolean literal can be true or false:

assert true != false
assert !true == false
assert true == !false


The null literal is specified as null. It can be used to represent an “empty” value:

def x = null
x = 42


Using a null value in certain expressions (e.g. the object of a property expression or method call) will lead to a “null reference” error. It is best to avoid the use of null where possible.


A string literal consists of arbitrary text enclosed by single or double quotes:

println "I said 'hello'"
println 'I said "hello" again!'

A triple-quoted string can span multiple lines:

println '''
    How are you today?

println """
    We don't have to escape quotes anymore!
    Even "double" quotes!

A slashy string is enclosed by slashes instead of quotes:

/no escape!/

Slashy strings can also span multiple lines:

Patterns in the code,
Symbols dance to match and find,
Logic unconfined.


A slashy string cannot be empty because it would become a line comment.

Dynamic string

Double-quoted strings can be interpolated using the ${} placeholder with an expression:

def names = ['Thing 1', 'Thing 2']
println "Hello, ${names.join(' and ')}!"
// -> Hello, Thing 1 and Thing 2!

If the expression is a name or simple property expression (one or more identifiers separated by dots), the curly braces can be omitted:

def name = [first: '<FIRST_NAME>', last: '<LAST_NAME>']
println "Hello, ${name.first} ${name.last}!"
// -> Hello, <FIRST_NAME> <LAST_NAME>!

Multi-line double-quoted strings can also be interpolated:

blastp \
    -in $input \
    -out $output \
    -db $blast_db \

Single-quoted strings are not interpolated:

println 'Hello, ${names.join(" and ")}!'
// -> Hello, ${names.join(" and ")}!


A list literal consists of a comma-separated list of zero or more expressions, enclosed in square brackets:

[1, 2, 3]


A map literal consists of a comma-separated list of one or more map entries, enclosed in square brackets. Each map entry consists of a key expression and value expression separated by a colon:

[foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3]

An empty map is specified with a single colon to distinguish it from an empty list:


Both the key and value can be any expression. Identifier keys are treated as string literals (i.e. the quotes can be omitted). A variable can be used as a key by enclosing it in parentheses:

def x = 'foo'
[(x): 1]
// -> ['foo': 1]


A closure, also known as an anonymous function, consists of a parameter list followed by zero or more statements, enclosed in curly braces:

{ a, b -> a + b }

The above closure takes two arguments and returns their sum.

The closure body is identical to that of a function. Statements should be separated by newlines or semi-colons, and the last statement is implicitly treated as a return statement:

{ v ->
    println 'Hello!'
    println "We're in a closure!"
    println 'Goodbye...'
    v * v

Closures can access variables outside of their scope:

def factor = 2
println [1, 2, 3].collect { v -> factor * v }
// -> [2, 4, 6]

Closures can declare local variables that exist only for the lifetime of each closure invocation:

def result = 0
[1, 2, 3].each { v ->
    def squared = v * v
    result += squared

println result
// -> 14

See standard library and operator for more examples of how closures are used in practice.

Index expression

An index expression consists of a left expression and a right expression, with the right expression enclosed in square brackets:


Property expression

A property expression consists of an object expression and a property, separated by a dot:


The property must be an identifier or string literal.

Function call

A function call consists of a name and argument list:

printf('Hello %s!\n', 'World')

A method call consists of an object expression and a function call separated by a dot:


The argument list may contain any number of positional arguments and named arguments:

file('hello.txt', checkIfExists: true)

The named arguments are collected into a map and provided as the first positional argument to the function. The above function call can be rewritten as:

file([checkIfExists: true], 'hello.txt')

The argument name must be an identifier or string literal.

The parentheses can be omitted when the function call is also an expression statement and there is at least one argument:

// positional args
printf 'Hello %s!\n', 'World'

// positional and named args
file 'hello.txt', checkIfExists: true

If the last argument is a closure, it can be specified outside of the parentheses:

// closure arg with additional args
[1, 2, 3].inject('result:') { acc, v -> acc + ' ' + v }

// single closure arg
[1, 2, 3].each() { v -> println v }

// single closure arg without parentheses
[1, 2, 3].each { v -> println v }

Constructor call

A constructor call consists of the new keyword followed by a type name and an argument list enclosed in parentheses:

new java.util.Date()

If the type is implicitly available in the script, the fully-qualified type name can be elided to the simple type name:

new Date()

See Default imports for the set of types which are implicitly available in Nextflow scripts.

Unary expressions

A unary expression consists of a unary operator followed by an expression:

!(2 + 2 == 4)

The following unary operators are available:

  • ~: bitwise NOT

  • !: logical NOT

  • +: unary plus

  • -: unary minus

Binary expressions

A binary expression consists of a left expression and a right expression separated by a binary operator:

2 + 2

The following binary operators are available:

  • **: power (i.e. exponentiation)

  • *: multiplication

  • /: division

  • %: remainder (i.e. modulo)

  • +: addition

  • -: subtraction

  • <<: left shift

  • >>: right shift

  • >>>: unsigned right shift

  • ..: inclusive range

  • ..<: right-exclusive range

  • as: type cast

  • instanceof: type relation

  • !instanceof: negated type relation

  • <: less than

  • >: greater than

  • <=: less than or equals

  • >=: greater than or equals

  • in: membership

  • !in: negated membership

  • ==: equals

  • !=: negated equals

  • <=>: spaceship (i.e. three-way comparison)

  • =~: regex find

  • ==~: regex match

  • &: bitwise AND

  • ^: bitwise XOR (exclusive or)

  • |: bitwise OR

  • &&: logical AND

  • ||: logical OR

  • ?: elvis (i.e. short ternary)

Ternary expression

A ternary expression consists of a test expression, a true expression, and a false expression, separated by a question mark and a colon:

println x % 2 == 0 ? 'x is even!' : 'x is odd!'

If the test expression is true, the true expression is evaluated, otherwise the false expression is evaluated.


Any expression can be enclosed in parentheses:

1 + 2 * 3
// -> 1 + 6 -> 7

(1 + 2) * 3
// -> 3 * 3 -> 9


Compound expressions are evaluated in the following order:

  • parentheses

  • property expressions

  • function calls

  • index expressions

  • ~, !

  • **

  • +, - (unary)

  • *, /, %

  • +, - (binary)

  • <<, >>>, >>, .., ..<

  • as

  • instanceof, !instanceof

  • <, >, <=, >=, in, !in

  • ==, !=, <=>

  • =~, ==~

  • &

  • ^

  • |

  • &&

  • ||

  • ?: (ternary)

  • ?: (elvis)


The following legacy features were excluded from this page because they are deprecated:

  • The addParams and params clauses of include declarations. See Module parameters for more information.

  • The when: section of a process definition. See When for more information.

  • The implicit it closure parameter. See Closures for more information.