Nextflow Ambassadors

Abhinav Sharma

Adam Talbot

Adolf Oyesigye Mukama

Adolf is an Msc Bioinformatics Student at Pwani University and a research fellow at Kemri-wellcome Trust Program, Passionate about developing efficient and scalable pipelines for pathogen genomics.

Abdoallah Sharaf

Abdoallah is a senior bioinformatician at SequAna - Sequencing Analysis Core Facility University of Konstanz, Germany , Passionate about developing efficient and scalable pipelines to tackle complex bioinformatics challenges.

Agyekum Richard

Richard is a Senior Medical Laboratory Scientist who has developed keen interest in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Richard currently mentors interns at HackBio.

Alex Peltzer

Alex Valcourt Caron

Alex Valcourt Caron is a PhD Candidate at the Sherbrooke Connectivity Imaging Laboratory. He develops nextflow components for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and is co-leading the Neuroimaging Special Interest Group.

Amofa Justice Ohene

Justice is a Bioinformatician and a ML/AI engineer at the Noguchi Memorial Institute For Medical Research. He is currently on the PANGenS Project.

Anabella Trigila

Andre Fonseca

Andre is a Bioinformatician Scientist with solid expertise in cancer biology, tumor immunology, and machine learning applications. He has worked in multiple institutions, including the prestigious MD Anderson Cancer Center.

André M. Ribeiro-dos-Santos

André is a Bioinformatician with expertise in gene regulation, population genetics, and machine learning. Currently working as visiting professor in Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA, Belem - PA, BR).

Antoine Buetti-Dinh

Antoine is a bioinformatician with experience spanning human genetics, cancer biology, and microbial ecology. He loves tackling biological questions through math and computational modeling.

Arthur Gymer

Arthur is a bioinformatics developer with experience developing high-throughput pipelines for long read cancer data. He is also an active nf-core member.

Ashley Dederich

Ashley is a Scientific Consultant at the CHPC. She has developed image analysis and genomic assembly pipelines and now uses her expertise to consult researchers on their scientific computing requirements.

Bulut Hamali

Bulut Hamali is a Bioinformatician at the UC Cincinnati, studying HER2-positive breast cancer mechanisms. He holds a PhD from the Medical University of Vienna.

Charalampos (Harris) Lazaris

Charalampos is a Senior Data Scientist in Oncology at Novartis Biomedical Research in Cambridge, MA. He earned his PhD from NYU. He specializes in gene dysregulation in cancer and how to exploit it therapeutically.

Chiachun Chiu

Chiachun is a bioinformatician at the Center for Precision Medicine of Chi Mei Medical Center. He's also the community organizer of Taipei Bioinformatics Omnibus.

Colby T. Ford

Colby T. Ford, Ph.D. is a Principal Consultant at Tuple. He is the author of Genomics in the Azure Cloud (O'Reilly, 2022) and specializes in cloud architecture for large bioinformatics workloads.

Cris Tuñi

Cris is a bioinformatics scientist and Ph.D. candidate at Flomics Biotech S.L. They develop Nextflow RNA-Seq analysis pipelines to advance the field of early cancer diagnostics.

Daniel Lundin

Davi Marcon

Edmund Miller

Edmund Miller is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Functional Genomics Lab at the University of Texas at Dallas. He's a maintainer in the nf-core project involved in an eclectic group of nf-core projects.

Edoardo Giacopuzzi

Edoardo is a Senior Bioinformatician at Human Technopole research institute in Milan, Italy. He works in population genetics using Nextflow to bring order to genomic data.

Edwin Simjaya

Edwin Simjaya is the Head of AI & Software Center at Kalbe Farma. His focus is on AI-augmented nutrigenomics using LLMs and is the driving force behind projects at Kalbe Digital University.

Evangelos Karatzas

Evangelos is a Research Fellow in EMBL-EBI. He is currently developing Nextflow/nf-core pipelines to generate and annotate metagenomics derived protein families.

Fadinda Shafira

Fadinda is an AI Engineer in Bioinformatics at Kalbe Farma. She is part of Kalbe Digital Lab, focusing on digital biology. She promotes bioinformatics by developing courses for Kalbe Digital University.

Felipe Almeida

Felipe is a bioinformatician at ZS. He is involved in projects related to pipelines, promoting and facilitating the use of Nextflow with guidance and trainings, when fit. Also an active nf-core member.

Firas Zemzem

Firas is PhD student at the laboratory of Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics, and Reproductive Biology at CHU Farhat Hached Sousse, focuses on unraveling the genetic mechanisms responsible for genetic disorders.

Florian Wünnemann

Florian is a Bioinformatics Engineer at Seqera, living in Montreal, with experience in single-cell and spatial omics technologies. He is a developer for nf-core/molkart and in the nf-core maintainers team.

Florian Heyl

Florian Heyl is a Bioinformatician at DKFZ, Germany. He is bridging between nf-core, GHGA, Galaxy, and the single cell community. He holds a PhD in Bioinformatics from Freiburg University, Germany.

Francesco Lescai

Francesco Lescai leads the Computational Genomics Lab at the University of Pavia. He teaches bioinformatics and he's a developer of nf-core pipelines.

Francisco Martin Garcia

Francisco Martin Garcia is a Bioinformatician at Garrahan Paediatric Hospital, working on genomic variants, structural bioinformatics, and multi-omics approaches. He promotes the adoption of Nextflow in clinical and research settings.

Franziska Bonath

Fran got her PhD in Developmental Biology at the University of Manchester, then moved to Stockholm where she eventually landed at the NGI, one of the founding institutions of nf-core. She is a core team member of nf-core.

Friederike Hanssen

Georgie Samaha

Georgie leads the bioinformatics group at the Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney. She is working toward making bioinformatics more accessible by developing public digital infrastructure with the Australian BioCommons.

Gisela Pattarone

Gisela is a Bioinformatician at CNEA, where she designs and executes a meta-analysis project focused on gene expression profiles to identify diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers in pediatric gliomas.

Graeme Grimes

Graeme is a Bioinformatician at the Institute of Genetics & Cancer at the Univeristy of Edinburgh in Scotland, he is also the lesson maintainer of the Carpentries Introduction to Bioinformatics workflows with Nextflow and nf-core.

Hemanoel Passarelli

Hemanoel is Bioinformatics Engineer at Gen-t, where he develops Nextflow pipelines to analyze human genetics data, enhancing Precision Medicine efforts in Brazil.

Houcemeddine Othman

Houcemeddine Othman is an Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics from Tunisia, working on the development of workflows for clinical genomics.

Hyun-Hwan Jeong

Hyun-Hwan Jeong is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine. He is also an open-source contributor to multiple projects, including CB2 and AI-MARRVEL.

Jacques Dainat

Currently Bioinformatician at IRD and part of the i-Trop platform, Jacques enjoys simplifying complex analyses through automation, minimizing technical barriers and enabling biologists to make the most of the power of bioinformatics.

James Fellows Yates

James has a PhD in Bioinformatics from FSU Jena and MPI-EVA. He is currently a PostDoc at Leibniz-HKI, working in metagenomics with a specialism in ancient DNA. He is also a core team member of nf-core core team.

Jeferyd Yepes

Jeferyd is currently a PhDc in bioinformatics at the University of Fribourg and SIB. He is the developer of MAGFlow/BigMAG, a Nextflow-based tool to compare metagenomics pipelines.

Jelena Pejovic Simeunovic

Jelena is an Advanced Bioinformatics Engineer at Loka, where she builds bioinformatics workflows and ensures seamless integration and optimal performance using Nextflow. She holds a PhD in Nano Biotechnology.

Jennifer (Jen) Reeve

Jen is a Software Developer with NetValue Ltd in Hamilton, New Zealand. Her current work uses Nextflow in biomedical contexts, but her scientific background spans microbiology, biochemistry and geochemistry.

Jose Espinosa-Carrasco

Jose is a Bioinformatician at the CBCRG group at the CRG, the laboratory where Nextflow was born. As an early adopter of Nextflow, he is also a member of the nf-core core team.

Janan Gawra

Dr. Janan Gawra is a postdoctoral researcher at the IDAEA-CSIC. He is part of the EPIBOOST project, studying the epigenetic and gene expression changes in zebrafish and seabass in response to environmental pollutants.

João Vitor Cavalcante

João is a MSc student affiliated with the Dalmolin Systems Biology Group, at the Bioinformatics Multidisciplinary Environment in Natal, Brazil. His interests are in metagenomics, neurogenetics and scientific software development.

Julia Apolonio de Amorim

Julia is a MSc student at the Rio Grande do Norte Federal University in Natal, Brazil. She is interested in GWAS and post-GWAS analyses, functional genomics and genetics of psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases.

Júlia Mir Pedrol

Júlia is a bioinformatician at the Computational Biology and Health Genomics group from the CRG. She is also an nf-core tools developer and a member of the nf-core core team.

Juan A. Ugalde

Juan is an assistant professor at the Center for Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology, at Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile.

Kimberly Christine Coetzer

Kimberly is a PhD candidate in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. She has experience in clinical proteomics and human genetics, specifically in the field of rare diseases.

Krešimir Beštak

Krešimir is a PhD student at the Institute for Computational Biomedicine, University Hospital Heidelberg. He's the developer of nf-core/molkart, and is working on spatial omics nf-core pipelines.

Kristina K. Gagalova

Kristina is a Bioinformatics Scientist at the Curtin University/Centre for Crop and Disease Management. She develops innovative algorithms and pipelines for pangenomics & structural bioinformatics, advancing crop disease research.

Kübra Narcı

Kübra Narcı is a bioinformatician at DKFZ, Germany. She is bridging between nf-core and GHGA. She holds a PhD in Bioinformatics from METU, Turkey.

Lara Ianov

Lara Ianov is the Co-Director of the UAB Biological Data Science Core. She directs the development of transcriptomics pipelines including the nf-core/scnanoseq pipeline.

Lynn Langit

Lynn is an independent cloud architect supporting bioinformatics teams world-wide. She is also part of DIMI Lab.

Louis Le Nézet

Louis is a PhD student in bioinformatics at the IGDR. His research focuses on developing and applying computational methods to study the genetics basis of the canine hip dysplasia.

Luca Cozzuto

Luke Pembleton

Luke has a PhD in Molecular Genetics from La Trobe University and AVR, Australia. He is currently a Genomic Breeding Scientist and Global Strategic Science Manager at Barenbrug.

Mahesh Binzer-Panchal

Mahesh is a bioinformatician for NBIS, SciLifeLab, the Swedish node of Elixir. He supports research groups, performing de novo genome assembly, or workflow development. He is also an nf-core maintainer.

Margherita Mutarelli

Margherita is a researcher at the Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems (CNR-ISASI) with a Ph.D. in Computational Biology and long term experience in NGS analysis. Happy member of nf-core.

Marie Lataretu

Marie is a bioinformatician at the Robert Koch Institute. She mainly develops pipelines for NGS data and viroinformatics.

Martin Beracochea

Martin is the Production lead of MGnify at EMBL-EBI. He oversees the development and maintenance of web services and bioinformatics pipelines.

Mateus Falco

Mateus is a PhD student on Pharmaceutical Sciences at Unicentro, working at the facility IPEC in wetlab and bioinformatics on Program Genomas Paraná.

Matthias De Smet

Matthias Hörtenhuber

Maxime Garcia

Maxime, bioinfomagician, develops nf-core pipelines, mainly Sarek, and is a member of the nf-core core team.

Michael Heuer

Michael Heuer (he/him/his) is a Staff Engineer at Mammoth Biosciences. Michael contributes to several nf-core workflows and is a member of the nf-core safety team.

Mitali Nimkar

Muntadher Jihad

Muntadher is a Bioinformatician at CRUK CI, develops statistical models to identify cellular crosstalk in pancreatic cancer and develops Nextflow pipelines for scRNA-seq variant calling.

Nicholas Owen

Nick is a Principal Research Data Steward / Bioinformatician at UCL Advanced Research Computing. He has a strong background in splicing and disease, developing pipelines for NGS analysis using Nextflow.

Nico Trummer

Nico is a student research assistant at the DaiSyBio group at TUM in Munich, Germany. He is a member of the nf-core maintainers team and leads the development of several nf-core pipelines.

Nicolas Vannieuwkerke

Nicolas Vannieuwkerke is a Bioinformatician at CMGG. He mainly develops Nextflow pipelines for in-house deployment using the nf-core standards. He also is an avid believer in "Learning on the job" and is always eager to learn

Nicolas A. Schcolnicov

Nicolas Schcolnicov is a Bioinformatics Consultant focused on the development and maintenance of Nextflow pipelines. He contributes to the nf-core workflows and his interests are scientific software development and data science.

Nicolas Servant

Nicolas is the co-director of the bioinformatics core facility of Institut Curie. His main interests are cancer biology/epigenetics/AI. Member of the nf-core community, he promotes Nextflow for good programming practices.

Nour Mahfel

Nour Mahfel is a trainee clinical scientist on the Scientist Training Programme, specialising in genetic diagnostics at Birmingham Women's Hospital NHS.

Opeyemi Alayande

Opeyemi creates and uses Nextflow-powered tools for infectious disease management at the Damien Foundation Genomics and Mycobacteria Research and Training centre, located in the University of Ibadan.

Phil Ewels

Phil Ewels is Senior Product Manager for Open Source Software at Seqera, working on strengthening the Nextflow and nf-core communities. He holds a PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Cambridge, UK. He co-founded nf-core and is a member of the core team.

Pritam Kumar Panda

Pritam is a Postdoctoral scholar in the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine at Stanford University, School of Medicine , California, designing novel anesthetics suitable for battlefield conditions.

Ramiro Barrantes Reynolds

Bioinformatician/statistician/data scientist for the Genomics/Data Science Core and the Infectious Disease Center at the University of Vermont, USA. Love Nextflow!!

Raquel Manzano

Raquel is a senior bioinformatician and final year PhD student at CRUK Cambridge Institute. She is also a trainer at the University of Cambridge Bioinformatics Training Unit. For her PhD she developed #rnadnavar.

Riley Grindle

Riley is a Bioinformatician at MDIBL. He has helped develop pipelines for his institutions in-house use and is an active member of the nf-core community.

Robert Petit

Robert is a Senior Bioinformatics Scientist at the Wyoming Public Health Laboratory. He's the developer of Bactopia, a regular contributor to nf-core, and a member of the Bioconda Core team.

Saba Nafees

Sameesh Kher

Sameesh Kher is a Bioinformatician at GHGA in Heidelberg. He is the developer of the nf-core/spatialxe pipeline.

Sanzida Akhter

Sanzida is a CSE and Bioinformatics master’s student and is working on developing cancer biomarkers with machine learning algorithms.

Shiyi Yin

Shiyi Yin is a genomics scientist in the SF bay area, working in compbio using nextflow for biotech R&D.

Sebastián González Tirado

Sebastián is doing his PhD at the Institute for Computational Biomedicine in Heidelberg. He is interested on the democratization of bioimage analysis workflows and spatial omics.

Simon Murray

Simon Murray is a Bioinformatics Engineer at Genomics England in Research Data Products where he develops and maintains pipelines for the Research Environment.

Simon Pearce

Simon Pearce is a Principal Bioinformatician at the Cancer Research UK National Biomarker Centre, where he works on detecting and subtyping cancer using circulating cell-free DNA methylation.

Sofia Stamouli

Sombuddha Roy Bhowmick

Sombuddha Roy Bhowmick is a Bioinformatician/Computational Biologist trying to make a difference in a patient's life, one at a time.

Ziad Al-Bkhetan

Ziad is the Product Manager, Bioinformatics Platforms at Australian BioCommons. He leads several bioinformatics focused services such as the Australian Nextflow Seqera Service and ABLeS.

Zohaib Anwar

Zohaib is a Senior Postdoc Researcher at the Center for Infectious Disease Genomics and One Health. He's the developer of VIRUS-MVP, powered by a genomics workflow developed in Nextflow with nf-core modules.

Ambassador Program Staff

Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas

Marcel holds a PhD in Bioinformatics from Sorbonne Université. He is currently a Senior Developer Advocate at Seqera and a member in the nf-core core team.

Geraldine Van der Auwera

Geraldine is Lead Developer Advocate at Seqera. She has a bit of history with GATK and is also the author of Genomics in the Cloud (O'Reilly, 2020).

Ken Brewer

Ken is a open-source developer and advocate active within the areas of genomics and high-content imaging microscopy. He is a Senior Developer Advocate at Seqera.

Program Alumni

Individuals who are no longer active Nextflow Ambassadors but have participated in the program in the past.

Anders Jemt

Bhargava Morampalli

Carson Miller

Carson Miller is a Microbiology Ph.D. Candidate in Lucas Hoffman's lab at the University of Washington. He is also a maintainer in the nf-core project involved in developing/updating pipelines related to microbial metagenomics.

Christopher Mohr

Gisela Gabernet

Ira Iosub

Jasmin Frangenberg

Jaykishan Solanki

Jaykishan Solanki is an Bioinformatics Developer at NCGM Global working on omics data analysis and machine learning.

Moritz E. Beber

Moritz is a Senior IT Solution Architect at Novo Nordisk A/S. He holds a PhD in bioinformatics and worked in computational systems biology. He strongly supports open knowledge and open source initiatives such as nf-core.

Natalia Coutouné

Noah A. Legall

Noah Legall (Ph. D.) is a Bioinformatic Scientist who uses Nextflow to make comparative genomics of zoonotic and antimicrobial resistant bacterial pathogens seamless.

Priyanka Surana

Ramprasad Neethiraj

Ram is a bioinformatician in the Clinical Genomics Unit at SciLifeLab, Stockholm, developing diagnostic pipelines for clinical settings. He has a Ph.D. in Population Genetics from Stockholm University.

Sateesh Peri

Solenne Correard

Solenne Correard is the scientific director of Wise Ancestors. She is a molecular biologist and bioinformatician using nextflow for projects focusing on biodiversity conservation and equity in health-care.